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Hopes & Dreams

Written by Father Michael Ruk As we have been hearing this month, Francis of Assisi heard God’s call to “rebuild the Church.” He thought initially, it was the physical building, …

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Memorial Garden

NEW ADDITION TO THE FOUNTAIN WALL During routine garden maintenance, long-forgotten grave markers were rediscovered outside the church building. W.Parke Heston (1901-1975), Grace C. Heston (1902-1973), Harry D. Winsmore (1952), …

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Why We Do What We Do: Silence

Most people connect the Eucharist to words and music, but silence also plays an important part in our prayer. Silence allows us to calm down and listen to God and …

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Creation Season

In recent years, the necessity of being stewards of God’s creation has become more and more important. Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, and Anglicans have created a season which lifts up …

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Why We Do What We Do: Vestments Edition

Vestments are not costumes. We are not acting out a Renaissance Faire or Christmas pageant. They are sacred garments which recall the responsibility of what is happening during the liturgy. …

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Our Words

But no one has ever been able to tame the tongue. It is evil and uncontrollable, full of deadly poison. We use it to give thanks to our Lord and …

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Community Connections

How can Christ Church better connect to the community? Well, the easiest way is to look at your own connections. Christ Church has a great space and a great community …

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Eucharist in Your Backyard

Summer is a slower time of the year which allows us to appreciate the simple things of life. During the time of COVID, having small, prayerful gatherings outdoors was the …

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Fr. Michael’s June 2024 Notes

Our Liturgical Year is basically split into two pieces. From Advent to Pentecost (December to June) we focus on the life of Jesus, from his birth to his death, resurrection, …

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Why We Do What We Do: Ordinary Time

Throughout the Summer months we will be using prayers from Enriching Our Worship. Approved by The Episcopal Church in 1997, it was intended for worshipping communities to have more options …

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​Community Connections

Expanding our network with your help! While we know a good Delco summer is full of trips to the shore, summer camps, and WaWa Hoagies, Christ Church will still be …

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Farewell Deacon Dennis

With full hearts we will share our last service with Deacon Dennis this Sunday, May 26th. Deacon Dennis will be preaching at Christ Church one final time for Trinity Sunday. …

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Memorial Day

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”* If …

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Growing a Garden Guild

Have a green thumb, or enjoy time outside? We are growing a Garden Guild and need volunteers! The first project would be to plant perennials around the church property the …

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May Notes from Fr. Michael

Throughout the Easter season, we read the Acts of the Apostles. The Book of Acts tell us of the early church and how the followers of Jesus spread the good …

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Digital Evangelists

Spreading the good news of Jesus and the work of Christ Church is the responsibility of each of us. We need your help to take pictures of church events and …

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April Notes from Fr. Michael

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! The Easter Season always seems to get overshadowed by the penitential Lent or the hope filled Advent season. Easter though is not one …

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Parish Submission: Jane Benditt “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12. (NIV) What does it mean to number our days? …

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Children Engage in the Eucharist

Starting in April and continuing through Pentecost, Sunday School will be focusing their lessons on the Eucharist. Any children from pre-k to fifth grade are welcome to the Whaley Room …

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Midweek Eucharist

Not a morning person? Work on the weekends? Looking for a midweek faith practice? Then we will see you in the pews on Wednesday! Fr. Michael will preside over Eucharist …

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LIFT Strength Program

Classes Forming NOW! LIFT (Lifelong Improvements through Fitness Together) is an in-person, group-based, strength training program for adults aged 40+ on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting March 12th, 2024 from 10:30AM …

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Returning to the Common Cup

Four years ago, the pandemic changed our world and the Church in so many ways. We had to adapt to the circumstances of the situation. One such adaptation was the …

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Homebound Visits

Our Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are back in action and ready to bring communion to homebound parishioners. If you would like a pastoral visit from Fr. Michael, or would like …

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Deppich Scholarship 2024

The Earle and Marie Deppich Scholarship Fundwas established by the Vestry of Christ Church to remember Mr. & Mrs. Deppich and to emphasize the importance that Christ Church held in …

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Weekly Prayer Rhythm

Prayer needs to be the center of any faith’s communities life. Our Anglican Tradition understood that each parish church was a mini monastery praying for the community and each other. …

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On Being Called

”Once a task has begun, never leave it ‘till it’s done. Be the labor big or small, do it well or not at all.” I don’t know who coined that …

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​Lenten Disciplines

The Rite of Reconciliation (Confession) is a part of The Episcopal Church open to all, but not required of anyone. Lent is an appropriate time to explore this sacrament of …

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New Beginnings: February 2024

Lent always seems to get a bad rap. Ashes, fasts, sin, and sadness, right? Lent really is about new beginnings and our journey towards resurrection on Easter. What better time …

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Lent 2024

Every practicing Christian should embrace the devotions of Lent: ritual, study, and change of life. For ages and ages, we have begun a Holy Lent with the imposition of holy …

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Get to Know Michael

The Reverend Michael Ruk (he/him), Interim Priest in Charge.You may call him Michael, or Father Michael.   Michael was born in Pittsburgh and raised in a Roman Catholic family. He …

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Vestry Nominations for 2024

We have 3 vacancies coming up on our Vestry: 2 terms (2024-2026), 1 term (2024-2025). The vestry is a space of discernment, formation, and decision-making. It is an important and …

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Final Transition Note

Lo! He comes with clouds descending, once for our salvation slain; thousand, thousand saints attending swell the triumph of his train; Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ the Lord returns to reign. …

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Epiphany Home Blessing

The Epiphany Home Blessing is a way of marking our homes, usually at the front or main entrance, with sacred signs and symbols as we ask God’s blessing upon those …

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Advent season is all about waiting. But not all waiting is the same. There are two specific kinds of waiting. The first kind is waiting for things we are certain …

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Cradles to Crayons Collection 12/20

Please place new or gently used clothing (sizes infant to adult medium) as well as new or gently used children’s books into the bin outside Musselman Hall under the coat …

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Christmas Eve Sign-Ups

Share your Christmas Spirit! Christmas Readers & Ushers Christmas readers please make sure to check in with Rev. Dave and Deacon Dennis for your assigned reading. Christmas Children’s Pageant There …

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Christmas Together

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the …

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Advent 2023

A holy Advent is one with time set apart from demands of overwhelming depends of “holiday-shoulds.” Advent is found in moments of stillness and expectation for what is to come, …

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​Pumpkin Patch by the Numbers

2023 Pumpkin Patch That’s a lot of numbers, but they help show the magnitude of the impact of our Pumpkin Patch. This event benefits the workers in New Mexico who …

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Why Pledging is Important

They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in …

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Daylight Savings

“Fall-back” on November 5th, so you’re not too early for service! Enjoy your extra hour of sleep before joining us on Sunday. 8 AM Spoken Eucharist Service10:15 AM Eucharist with …

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Letters to College Students

The end of the year is approaching and for our college students that means finals, quizzes, writing papers, and stress. We need your help sending them a little love and …

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Prayer Committee Welcomes You

“Jesus teaches us to come before God with humble hearts, boldly offering our thanksgivings and concerns to God or simply listening for God’s voice in our lives and in the …

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Rooted in Abundance

As our annual stewardship campaign gets underway, we use the phrase “Rooted in Abundance” to remind us that we should be inspired to give because so much has been given …

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Pumpkin Delivery

This pumpkin patch is a team effort and we are so thankful for the spirit of service in our community! Content Block: Gallery

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Make Your Feelings Known

The Vestry is making headway in the process of calling an interim priest. The Diocese has provided us with a list of candidates and we are formulating questions to prepare …

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Transition Updates- October 2023

“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” – Oscar Wilde Happy October! For our agricultural ancestors, October was all about the intense labor of bringing in the harvest and …

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We Need You

Now more than ever, our hands, skills, and willingness are the heartbeat of Christ Church. Now more than ever, we need you to say yes! Your presence and readiness to …

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A Note from the Rector’s Warden

“All the months are crude experiments, out of which the perfect September is made.” – Virginia Woolf September is a time of transition and planning for the coming winter – …

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Your Dedication is Essential

Do you remember the excitement of going back to school? Connecting with friends, a fresh start, learning new things. In September, we hold the same excitement for the program year …

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You Made Our Summer Successful

We are so grateful for the generosity of our parish! Over the summer months Christ Church continued through our transition and said our goodbyes to Reverend Jane as our Rector. …

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Hawai’i Fire Response

High winds from Hurricane Dora and drought conditions combined to accelerate the growth of brush fires that devastated the Lahaina community in Hawaiʻi. Episcopal Relief & Development is in contact …

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Life Long Improvements Together

L.I.F.T returns to CCRP on September 12th! L.I.F.T is an in-person, group-based, strength training program for adults aged 40+ that takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00-12:00 PM in …

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Back to School Blessing ’23

If you are a household with school aged children, keep an eye out for a Back to School Blessing mailing coming to your home. You can look forward to receiving …

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Good News that Matters

Christ Church is a non-profit charitable entity. That may be something you already know, or it may be something you have not thought much about. It isn’t bankrolled by anyone …

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Transition Update: August ’23

As we enter the waning days of summer, the vestry, finance committee, and many others near and far are diligently working to keep up with the various ministries that manifest …

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Vestry Summer Spotlight

Throughout the summer we are spotlighting the wonderful leadership of our Vestry. Check out what they are up to this summer and maybe even get some summer reading, viewing, and …

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What Does it Mean to Welcome

Your word is light, let this light have its free course. Let us not be hindered by the distraction from this world in the name of Jesus Christ. Six years …

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​July ‘ 23 Rectors Message

In times of anxiety and confusion human mental functioning can retreat (or rise). I used to see this in first-time church camp guests. Some children and tweens would be basically …

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Mutual Commitment

No matter what happens, Christ Church leaders are on the ground volunteering their time to encourage your allegiance to God in our changing world. You turn to CCRP regularly because …

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CCRP Goes with You

Wildwood, Disney World, or to your cousin’s house, wherever you travel this summer, Christ Church can come with you! There are two places to watch our livestream each Sunday- on …

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A beautiful historic building has its costs. We have a number of projects coming down the road that have substantial price tags. Your commitment to the mission of CCRP has …

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The Blessed Name

This Sunday, June 4th, we will celebrate the world premiere of a new vocal/organ composition called “The Blessed Name.” It was composed by our very own Michael White, a member …

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Prismatic Pentecost

RCL-A May 28, 2023 Pentecost is prismatic. It is the one Sunday we really truly focus on the facets of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God, which is everywhere …

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Summer Flourishing

Summer is blooming around us, and so to our fresh possibilities in the living witness of Christ Church, Ridley Park: we bloom because of hearts and hands like yours. Generous …

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​Youth Ministry Summer

June 28- July 3 Familiar faces from last years’ Navajoland Pilgrimage, Canon Cornelia+, Fr. Joe Hubbard+ and Gerlene (GJ) Gordy are leading their youth delegation to EYE 2023 with Province …

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​Fandom Forward Ascension

7th Sunday of Easter & Ascension Readings, RCL A Have you ever been a new ‘fan’ of something? Brimming with the joy of the new experience that you just keep …

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Ongoing Outreach Collection

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” Proverbs 11:15 St. John’s Neighbor to Neighbor Food Pantry is a donation based service that takes place ever …

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Loving One Another

6th Easter A , May 14, 2023 Your word is light, let this light have its free course. Let us not be hindered by the distraction from this world in …

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Ways and Methods

May 7, 2023 Easter 5 RCL-A It is said that all religions can be differentiated by two things I would add that denominations and sects within a religion Can be …

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Calling All Graduates!

Graduate Recognition will take place on Sunday, May 28th at the 10:15 AM service. If you have an eighth grader or senior in your household that would like to participate …

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Dreamy Psalm 23

April 30, 2023 RCL A Easter 4 Did they know that they had scribed history? Did it come in a momentary flash, or was it fiddled with for decades? Is …

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Graduate Spotlights

Delanie Hollar Delanie will be attending Hofstra University for Speech Pathology. She will also be trading in her green and white pom poms for blue and gold while cheering for …

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May Stewardship

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming. You may even wonder if there’s anything you can do….If you matter. You DO matter! Now more than ever. Keeping to the spiritual and religious …

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​Because He Lives

Throughout the Easter season we’ll be singing a new hymn called “Because He Lives” which is found in the “Lift Every Voice and Sing” (LEVAS) hymnal, published by the Episcopal …

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Tech Team is Recruiting

We are looking for at least one more volunteer for live streaming! Only simple computer skills are needed and we will train you! Volunteers can pick their Sundays and we …

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May 2023 Rector’s Message

Do you like silence? The empty tomb was a place of silence, it is defined by what is not there. In April at clergy conference we were reminded that the …

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Hospitality Test

RCL A Easter 3, 2023 It is barely even the week after. It is only days after arriving in Jerusalem, back when Jesus was greeted with palms, hailed as a …

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Happy Earth Day!

Celebrate God’s creation on Earth Day! Get outside for a walk, sit near a window and meditation on the nature you see, or visit a public park! Another way to …

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Happy Earth Day!

Celebrate God’s creation on Earth Day! Get outside for a walk, sit near a window and meditation on the nature you see, or visit a public park! Another way to …

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Book Donations Needed

As the weather warms up, more foot traffic passes our Little Free Library of Love and there is a higher turn over of books. If you have books that are …

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Easter Vigil Sermon

When we were growing up, there was a gargantuan playground near us. This playground had all kinds of attractions: sports fields, athletic arenas, tunnels under buildings which we would explore. …

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I Thought I Knew

Easter, April 9, 2023 You have likely heard the line, vastly misattributed to Mark Twain, that ‘the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.’ (Mr. Twain …

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Good Friday, April 7, 2023 I am bothered by the cross. The brutality of it. A method of grotesque humiliation. A terror to shut everyone up about anyone who hung …

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Becoming What We Receive

Maundy Thursday, April 8, 2023 There are tables we come to out of obligation. There are tables we sit down at in a state of absolute hunger. There are tables …

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Cannot Leave It Out

Palm Sunday 2023, RCL A, April 2, 2023 Each time we share the 7-Day creation story in Godly Play, we lay out cards for each of the seven days. And …

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Vestry Day

On Saturday, March 25th, Vestry gathered for a focus day at Holy Apostles. The Rev. Canon Kird Berlenbach, Canon for Growth and Support, led our parish leaders through reflection and …

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​Calamity Happens

March 26, 2023 RCL Lent 5A It says valley of dry bones. I don’t see bones in my minds eye. In the imagination of my heart, it is a valley …

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Easter Offering

Every week you hear and see the difference that CCRP makes with sacred depth and ancient practices and thoughtful compassion. As part of the worldwide Anglican tradition, whether it be …

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April ’23 Rector’s Message

‘On earth has dawned this day of days, where-on the faithful give God praise! For Christ is risen from the tomb, and light and joy have conquered doom. Alleluia!’ Hymn …

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Savings Card Fundraiser

Support Christ Church and save on 14 wonderful local businesses for a year! Funds raised will go toward fixing the sanctuary gutters. Cost: $20 To purchase from the church office …

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No Interest in our Other-ness-es

Third Sunday of Lent (RCL- A)- March 12, 2023 Looking out my window, there was nearly no skyline, only a hospital named Good Samaritan. Started by the Episcopal Church,long since …

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A Tenebrae adaption with readings both sacred and secular that lay bare the brokenness and grief of human life. The good news of Jesus Christ, the glory of Easter is …

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We Are Here Because of YOU

When it matters, and for what matters – Christ Church is here. And we are here because of you. Because of people like you who support this mission and ministry, …

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What does Blessing Feel Like?

Generative, Relational, and Responsible is the Heart of BlessingMarch 5, 2023, Lent 2 RCLA What does blessing feel like? Is it a warm drink in your hands after shoveling mountains …

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Coffee Hour Hosts Needed

Our enjoyed fellowship time after the 10:15 AM service has renewed energy that we want to continue! We need hosts for the month of March and April. Hosting includes preparing …

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Blooming Cross

Each Sunday in Lent on-site guests will be invited to a tangible prayer station near the font: the Blooming Cross. This activity is good for all ages – a chance …

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Prayer Beyond- Lent at Home

One of the questions some of you harbor is something like – ‘how do I really pray?’ For some people prayer beyond ‘just reading along’ is as natural as breathing. …

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Stations of the Cross

Have you ever walked the way of the cross? For generations, this path has been a source of deep meaning and searching questions, especially those of Jesus’ life and death. …

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Rector’s Message- March 2023

Have you ever thought of Lent as an invitation to a mini-monasticism? What if instead of ashes on foreheads we handed out a whole alb, or perhaps a necklace with …

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Prepare with Awe

Last Sunday after the Epiphany (RCL A), February 19, 2023 A few weeks ago someone I know was telling me about a new book she was enjoying. It is about …

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First First

6th Sunday after the Epiphany (RCL A) and Celebration of Absalom Jones, February 12, 2023 First, first, first be reconciled. Is that the little ones? The slights and left undones …

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Thank You!

Thanks to the following people for their time, donations and support of the Life Center! YOU ARE AMAZING! The Outreach Committee Our next date to provide a meal is Wednesday, …

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February 2023 Rector’s Message

Have you ever thought about why we gather for worship? Your ideas about why may be that people are seeking comfort, connection to friends, a sense of peace and purpose, …

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February Music at Christ Church

Throughout the month of February, we will honor the contributions of black composers to our canon of liturgical music. We will return to the “Lift Every Voice and Sing” service …

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It’s all Marco Polo

Third Sunday after the Epiphany, RCL A Every public and community pool, and even a few hotel pools, are accompanied everyday by the melodic back and forth of Marco Polo. …

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Adult Formation: Movie Talk

Taking place on the third Wednesday evening of the month at 7 PM. In 2023 our monthly adult formation discussion will be about church year-connected movies. All the films will …

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Blessed Absalom Jones

On Saturday, February 11th will diocese will honor the life and ministry of the Blessed Absalom Jones, the first African American priest in The Episcopal Church, with a service at …

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Passing of the Plate

Beginning this Sunday our ushers will be regularly passing the offering plates at the 10:15AM service. The 8AM service will continue to have a stationary plate by the font to …

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Who Am I?

Second Sunday after the Epiphany, RCL AJanuary 15, 2023 Perhaps you have noticed that personality tests are all the rage. Almost everyday online, and in magazines, I see ridiculous quizzes …

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In the Stardust

Baptism of Jesus (and a bit of Epiphany) 2023 RCL A We are stardust. Beloved amazing flawed stardust, but we are stardust. Water came to the raw rocky primordial earth …

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Ridley Park Food Pantry Needs Your Help

The Food Pantry at Ridley Park United Methodist Church is looking for donations. This Food Pantry serves hundreds of individuals in our neighborhood and does an amazing job providing a …

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​An Epiphany Home Blessing

20+C+M+B+23 The Epiphany Home Blessing is a way of marking our homes, usually at the front or main entrance, with sacred signs and symbols as we ask God’s blessing upon …

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Episcopal Youth Event

The Episcopal Youth Event is a gathering of youth ages 15-19 (as of July 4, 2023) from around the world who assemble on a college campus to learn, laugh, and …

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Williamsburg Christmas at Christ Church

Written by, Elizabeth Rasnake, Decorating Committee The inspiration for this year’s Williamsburg theme came from the Magnolia candleholders created by our cherished member, Ruth Pottier. Nikki Melso and I first …

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Outreach Christmas Thank You

Generosity is bountiful at Christ Church. Thank you! The Outreach Christmas collections filled the pews and were passed along to our neighbors. The goodies were piled into wagons and loaded …

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Vestry Nominations

We have four vacancies coming up on our Vestry. One one-year uncompleted term and three three-year terms. The vestry is a space of discernment, formation, and decision-making. I consider it …

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Hannah Lane

It began in practicality. Most of our larger deliveries come to the Green Doors on the ‘alley’ that runs between our neighbor’s homes and the parish buildings. This ‘alley’ is …

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Mundane Saving Name

January 1, 2023Christmas 1 and Holy Name According to the Gospel of Luke, there is only one Joshua in Joseph’s lineage: more than 25 generations back – therefore around 500 …

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Wildness of Christmas

We forget how extraordinary this all is It’s a Jackson Pollock painting. It is improv, it is real jazz. The mystery of Christmas is coloring way outside the lines. The …

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Christmas Thanks

Our parish is blessed with committed individuals who work in the background to make the season of Advent and Christmas come alive. We would like to take time to shout …

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Joseph Dreams

There are dreams and there are dreams. There are the creative reaches of the mind in our waking life. And there is the sleeping playfulness with past, now, future, fact, …

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Life Center Thank You

Thank you for the continued support of our Life Center volunteers! We couldn’t do it without the generosity of, Jeanne Fletcher, Eleanor Humes, Eleanor Kellett, Carol King, Jim and Carole …

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​Christmas Offering

What a wonder it was and continues to be that in love God became human, born to repair and heal and rescue and turn our lives back to the heart …

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Desert Rescue

His small white rental car was stuck in a deep mound of sand and dirt. He was frustrated and alone on what may, or may not, have been a road. …

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The First Sunday of Advent

When I was growing up, we would go on summer road trips, some near some far. Even at a young age, I enjoyed travel, and if there was an observation …

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Livestream Recording In Progress

All Christmas Weekend services will be live-streamed. They will be streamed in the same fashion in which the 10:15 AM Sunday Eucharist is streamed and recorded every Sunday. By attending …

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Outreach Christmas Collections

Outreach has partnered with two local organizations this Christmas, the Ridley School District Holiday Help Drive and Fair Acres Geriatric Center. Our parish continues to exceed expectations in our generous …

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​Thanksgiving and Light

Written by Jane Benditt “You are the world’s light-a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; …

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Living Well Through Advent Booklet

Living Well Through Advent: Practicing Simplicity With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind This Advent devotional can be used as individual reflection and study or as an opportunity to …

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Last Sunday Before Christ the King

For a while now the understanding of what is apocalypse and armageddon have been confusingly conflated. Biblically Armageddon is not an occurrence it is instead a place – a geographical …

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All Saints

What comes to mind when you hear the word saint? Is it an adjective or a noun? Does it echo the images that fill our windows, persons scrubbed clean, peaceful …

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2022 Pumpkin Patch Report

Another successful year of our Pumpkin Patch has some to a close, 2,600 pumpkins found their way off our lawn. Thanks to the many hearts and hands who shared their …

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Holy Journey Family Game

Take a Holy Journey during Advent- a game for all ages. Supplies: Deck of Cards (with the jokers) for this journey. To Start:• Begin by putting your stable in a …

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Advent at Home 2022

Advent Candle Practice Traditionally, an Advent wreath is made of five candles, four in a circle, and one in the middle, in a circle of evergreens. The lighting of the …

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Advent Word

This journey of words come from Living Well through Advent 2022 booklet and reaches from Advent till Epiphany. A one word prompt can lead to infinite responses: research the word …

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2023 Pledge Card

Thank you for all the times you have shown up in whatever way you can, all the times you step up to act with love and mercy, even when it …

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Coffee Hour

Are you missing Coffee Hour fellowship after the Sunday 10:15 am service as much as we are? Volunteers are needed to assist with the set up of our beloved coffee …

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1 in 10 of Us

What if we put their condition aside for a moment. Imagine them all more as a typical crowd. What if two of the nine have sick children, or parents to …

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Shop with Amazon Smile

Each time you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon gives back to the organization of your choice, and you can choose Christ Church! How to support CCRP with your purchases: 1. …

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Building a Pumpkin Patch

The Pumpkin Parade (unloading our delivery) took place on a very wet and rainy Sunday evening. Even with three time-change delays, we managed to build a pumpkin patch in record …

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Pumpkin Unloading, 5:30pm

The pumpkins got a little delayed. Come at 5:30 pm this evening for unloading. Yes, we will get soggy. Yes, it will get dark. Yes, we will need all the …

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Pumpkin Arrival Update

Updated time for the pumpkins to arrive is 4:30pm on Sunday. We will be unloading till the truck is empty- come when you can and stay for however long you …

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Pumpkins Are Coming Sunday!

The delivery truck is expected on Sunday for a 4:30pm (updated time) unloading and we need your help. Friends, sports teams, neighbors, Scouts- anyone is welcome to join in the …

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Wizard Against Nihilism

The fresh fancy telescope images of the universe that have been flowing into my news feeds are breathtaking. They can also lead to feelings of insignificance. The more we know …

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SCI Collection ’22

Christ Church is committed to providing 25 Ditty Bags to the Seamen’s Institute. These bags will go to Seafarers in the upcoming holidays who are living on cargo ships, often …

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September 18, 2022

All of Jesus’ parables are challenging, but this one is surely the most difficult. It has my head spinning. I can’t seem to make sense of it. First, there is …

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Counting In God’s Way

Irritation, confusion. The inner dialogue of how stupid could I be? You look and look, you look frantically , you look carefully. You examine your mind, you back track, you …

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Homecoming Sunday

When I came back from vacation last month it astonished me how many parts of my day to day life I needed to pause and think about how to do. …

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Eden and Psalm 139

Was the artist curious? Would we think of them as having a scientific mind now? Do they stare at the stars and ponder the clouds? Could they have been close …

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Rite Questions Podcast

The Rite Questions Podcast Library. Listen to the podcast either on our youtube channel or by selecting the episode below.

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August 28, 2022

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord our strength and our redeemer. Amen. Jesuit priest Anthony De Mello …

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September 22′ Rector’s Message

Jesuit priest James Martin speaks of prayer being a long loving look at the real. Perhaps he was quoting someone else, however when circling around what it is we are …

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Vineyard Good & Evil

A few years ago I was doing nothing in particular, wasting some time online, when a message popped up. It was from my friend Chris. She is one of my …

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Music Ministry Mission

Shhh! Quick, hide this article from everyone that lives in your house……. Okay, now that they’re gone, let me ask you a few questions. Is someone in your house a …

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Is Rite Questions for You?

Rite Questions is for the curious who likes it here and would like some clarity around why this feels like a home in Jesus. Rite questions is for the long …

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Guest Soloist Titus Muzi

This Sunday we welcome Titus Muzi to CCRP as our guest soloist. Titus attended Florida State University where he earned a B.M in Vocal Performance and he is entering his …

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Mutinous Runaway Bunnies: Hosea

Certainly more than half of the Hebrew Scriptures at one or more points in their history were refugee documents. Given the repeats of civil war, imperial exile, and expulsion, these …

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July 17, 2022

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord our strength and our redeemer. Amen. As many here know, I …

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August ’22 Rector’s Message

Have you begun a new phase of your walk with Christ in the last three years? Have you been imbedded here for decades but never formally become ‘Episcopalian’? Is God …

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Guest Soprano Soloist this Sunday

We are honored to have Renée Richardson joining us on Sunday as our guest soprano soloist. She hails from Springfield, Pennsylvania and is recent graduate of the Academy of Vocal …

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Youth Navajoland Pilgrimage

The Diocese of Pennsylvania sent 32 youth and adults leaders from 7 different churches to The Episcopal Diocese of Navajoland for a 12-day pilgrimage. Archie Cotter and Mackenzie Alexander are …

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League of Unity – July 3, 2022

RCL Proper 9 C Track 1 30 years ago this weekend the film ‘A League of their Own’ was released. A fictional exploration of the real All American Girls Professional …

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The Passing of Oma Pauley

Oma Mellora Ross Pauley passed away peacefully at St. Martha/s Nursing home under hospice care in Downingtown PA on June 17, 2022. She was 89 years old, a longtime member …

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July ’22 Rector’s Message

Summertime. What do you like about summertime? The foods, the fruit, the lack of cold, the pooltime? Two things leap to mind for me fresh fruit and water. Watermelon and …

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June 19, 2022

Darcy* wandered in a bit late to youth group, the rest of us had already begun to eat. Her hair had probably been in a neat ponytail when she left …

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June 12, 2022

When a culturally informed Christian missionary group encounters a community of people with no prior knowledge of the Christian tradition, they do not begin by sharing the texts of Christmas, …

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June 12, 2022

When a culturally informed Christian missionary group encounters a community of people with no prior knowledge of the Christian tradition, they do not begin by sharing the texts of Christmas, …

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Acolyte Ministry

A beautiful part of our Sunday tradition is the chance to be in mutual ministry, worship is both personal and communal. After the stricter months of pandemic isolation, some may …

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June 5, 2022

Pinwheels can be a lovely metaphor for the Holy Spirit: wind and breath and energy. It is an action-packed reminder. The streamers we have here today are lovely for their …

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May 29, 2022

“Father, what we do not know, teach us; What we have not; give us, What we are not, kindly make us. For Your Son’s sake. Amen.” I don’t know about …

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Welcome Josh Miller!

Josh Miller (he/they) is excited to be joining CCRP as the new Choirmaster & Organist. For the past decade, he has worked as an opera stage director at many of …

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May 22, 2022

Jesus says, ‘my peace I give you’, and I think how much have you got? Is there a subscription plan? The very syllables have me reaching for him, but also …

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Summer ’22 Reading List

Our monthly book group shall also take a break for the summer months. However, just like school days, maybe you could use a suggested summer reading (or listening) list put …

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Pentecost- Light up the Pews

Pentecost celebrates that sometimes underappreciated third person of the Trinity – the Spirit of God! The expression of God that surrounds us and comforts us and brings energy and change …

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​Music Minister Search Update

Each week I am grateful for the steadfast creativity and cooperation shown by our choir, both our professional singers and volunteers. As you know we are searching for our next …

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June ’22 Rector’s Message

Reliable sociology of religion research shows that occasional religious formation (worship, fellowship, service, and education) leads to worse moral outcomes than having no religious formation at all. We also know …

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​St. James Day- A Huge Success

It was a great time meeting and greeting the parishioners, staff, friends and neighbors of St James church and school. Christ Church Ridley Park was well represented at the lovely, …

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May 15, 2022

If we were to read in tomorrow’s headlines that there was definitive proof that cats and dogs are actually an alien species sent to Earth to conquer us, that after …

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A Message from Reverend Jane

Leaving the house never felt so good! Thank you to all who expressed concern about my well being over the last two weeks. My experience with COVID was like many …

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Outdoor Space

Our outdoor space is here for you! Thanks to the hard work of volunteers the churchyards have been adorned with flowers, benches, and the opportunity to enjoy the wonders of …

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May 8, 2022

Have you ever been on a journey in the woods and realized you needed a guide? Have you ever been on a tour with a really amazing guide and felt …

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April 24, 2022

There is no such thing as never being disappointed. Infants before six months if you watch closely, disappointment will register on their small faces. If humanity always managed to avoid …

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Bench Update

We have not forgotten about the benches! The benches arrived right before the ground froze, so we have been waiting for winter to decide it was leaving us. Hopefully by …

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​ Shifting Prayer During the Day

Daily prayer is a tried and true hallmark of the rule of life for earnest Christian practice. Since early in the pandemic we offered almost daily Prayer during the Day …

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Easter Thank You

Christ Church was in full bloom this Easter thanks to a hard working team of volunteers who gave time and talent to every task asked of them. The garden around …

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Easter Sunday, 2022

In the Texas hill country is the original water park. Nestled along a creek under the low branches of live oak trees, the original park used natural creek water in …

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Good Friday, 2022

There is nothing new here. Not in its happening, not as we hear the sacred storytellers’ words nearly 2000 years later. A truth becomes clear, this is evil’s slyest face. …

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April 10, 2022

Many persons want a better world. Not enough persons want to be better people. The quote floated by my line of sight this week. It poked like a thorn Like …

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April 3, 2022

If there is one thing I miss about the shutdown era of two years ago It is that some of my favorite singer-songwriters were streaming shows from their living rooms …

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March 27, 2022

There are sleep-away camps that are in brick and mortar dorms yards away from any wild kingdom. The camps I went to and worked at and have ministered in, were …

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March 20, 2022

Thin Places. Has anyone here ever heard the term “Thin Places”? It is not the gym nor a weight watchers meeting. It is not your kitchen when you eat a …

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​Sunday School Rooms Renovation

In the near future, we hope to begin a renovation of the first floor Sunday School rooms to make that space easier to clean, bring to it healthy air circulation …

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Hot & Cold Fund

As we believe you know by now, our heating system for the sanctuary has been replaced after the old one simply needed to much fixing for a system that was …

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April Rector’s Message

Holy Week contains some of the oldest practices of Christian gatherings. Practices of prayer and song and scripture and fellowship that the faithful have practiced in times of peacefulness and …

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Deppich Scholarship

Deppich Scholarship applications are almost due! Applicants must be affiliated with Christ Church, Ridley Park and must have been accepted by or be attending an accredited college, seminary or trade …

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March Rector’s Message

Lent is a season of clearing and assessment and slowing down to hear and feel and see the Jesus who goes through the desert with us, who meets us in …

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Lent Madness

“The format is straightforward: 32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people vote for their favorite …

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Lenten Devotional for Home

Vincent Van Gogh and the Beauty of Lent “Vincent van Gogh devoted his life to light. The light of creation, the light of painting, the light of God’s grace – …

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Youth Discussion Series: Belief

Youth Ministry’s discussion series is on the theme of belief and is designed to be an introduction to some of the major religions of our country and world. Through the …

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February 2022 Rector’s Message

Shades of red and pink, glitter, hearts that look like a balloon being inflated, a symbol that reminds us of hope, connection, life itself. The first, second, and even third …

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Life Center- February 9, 2022

On Wednesday, February 9th, it is once again our turn to provide a meal for the Life Center residents. They only need 32 meals as they are not permitted to …

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COVID Updates- January 2nd & 9th

The current data regarding the spread of the Omicron variant of the Covid Pandemic is devastating for exhausted health care workers, unvaccinated children, and the vulnerable of every age group. …

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Lunch & Learn

Youth Ministry wants to collaborate! Do you have a craft, skill, or life practice that you would be willing to share with teens? Youth Ministry is looking for adult volunteers …

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Ornament Exchange Tree

Visit the beautiful 12ft tree on the church lawn! The neighborhood-wide ornament exchange is giving the tree life. Bring an ornament to hang on the tree and take a new …

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Life Center

On Wednesday, December 8th, it is once again our turn to provide a meal for the Life Center residents. They only need 30 meals as they are not permitted to …

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Pumpkin Patch 2021 Report

We were once again bold and brave. At the request of Pumpkin Patch USA, we accepted delivery of a full truck of pumpkins. That’s over 2,200 pumpkins! Even with the …

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Outreach Christmas Collections

Outreach has partnered with two local organizations this Christmas, the Ridley School District Holiday Help Drive and Fair Acres Geriatric Center. Our parish continues to exceed expectations in our generous …

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Jean Collection- Year Round

The deacons of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania thank Christ Church for its generosity in our recent Jean Drive.Your generosity will make a difference for many people who live in …

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Sponsor Altar Flowers

Sponsor altar flowers to beautify the sanctuary with creations from God. Altar flowers are often shared “in memory of” or “in honor” of someone special and can be displayed the …

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Re-Homing Poinsettias

Please help us find good homes for the poinsettias in the nave. They all must go, so share with neighbors and friends. If you would like to test out your …

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December Rector’s Message

Our God is the One who comes to usin a burning bush,in an angel’s song,in a newborn child.Our God is the One who cannot be foundlocked in the church,not even …

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Christmas Weekend Services

This Christmas we are thrilled to be celebrating the mystery of the Incarnation of God in the birth of Jesus together, both on the corner of Sellers and Nevin, and …

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November Rector’s Message

A holy Advent is one way to unplug from the demands of the winter wonderland. A holy Advent is a pause and a deep breath of expectation and not rushing …

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Time After Time

Dear Beloved Friends, Every day we are inspired by your patience and generosity, by your acts of love and flexibility, and by the unseen duties you have kept in the …

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​Advent Word & Epiphany Word

The Advent and Epiphany Word list emergs from our Advent and Christmas Devotional book – Heaven and Nature Sing and is a word-a-day practice. What do you do with a …

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Pumpkin Delivery TUESDAY

We need your help on Tuesday, October 5th unloading our gourd-geous pumpkins! Starting at noon, wear your comfortable shoes and work-gardening gloves to join the pumpkin parade. We will be …

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Pumpkin Delivery Delayed

As of September 30th, our pumpkin delivery is not yet in transit to Ridley Park. This delay is due to the shortage of truck availability. What does that mean? What …

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October Rector’s Message

“Being invited forward by prophets and mystics, yet invariably offering great resistance, is the clear pattern of history…Francis is really an amazing exception. He somehow succeeds in being loved, admired, …

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Music Update

As you know our wonderful organist and choir director Janet Kaido is the mother of a toddler, who as you also know, is not eligible for vaccination. To better protect …

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Email Scammers

Please be aware of scam emails posing to be Reverend Jane or other CCRP staff. The staff at Christ Church will NEVER reach out over email requesting urgent help to …

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Supporting Seamen’s Institute

Christ Church is committed to providing 25 Ditty Bags to the Seamen’s Institute. These bags will go to Seafarers in the upcoming holidays who are living on cargos ships, often …

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Join @PB_Curry by sharing your own “I Got Mine” story. Post your photo or video with the #igotmine hashtag, tag and invite your friends, and tell the world what getting …

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Pumpkin Patch Volunteers

The Pumpkin Church will pop up for the month of October, bringing fall-time goodness and sharing Christ-like love through our service to the community. We cannot do this without your …

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September Rector’s message

Neither school nor one’s parents can teach you everything you will need to know. I specifically recall being taught to iron in the college laundry room: I knew the simplest …

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Volunteers Needed

Can you help make dinner meals for families staying at the Family Promise / Interfaith Hospitality Network shelter? Those wishing to do so should visit this link, where they will …

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Blue Jean Collection

The deacons of the diocese are leading a blue jeans collection. Blue jeans are durable and in need by those who are without shelter. They are asking churches – and …

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Young Adult Podcast Playlists

Go check out our Christ Church Ridley Park profile on Spotify. We’ve got podcast playlists designed for young adults that will continue to grow and be added to. While the …

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Rite Questions

The Rite Questions class will begin again this fall as an 8-week course meeting once a week. Rite Questions is the preparation class forconfirmation- a mature commitment to Christ by …

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August Rector’s Message

Perhaps you have had a computer that you hadn’t turned on for a while. In your mind you are simply going to turn it on and get to work. However, …

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Life Center

On Wednesday, August 11th, it is once again Christ Church’s turn to provide a meal for the Life Center residents. Please consider signing up with Carole McManus (reach out to …

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DIY Nametags

We encourage you to join us in the effort of calling each other by our names. The pandemic time apart, new friends finding CCRP online, and wearing masks have made …

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​Farewell and Godspeed!

Kudos to Alice Berry, our alto soloist, who has received an award for an international writing fellowship! Alice will be relocating to China this July to fulfill a year-long fellowship …

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Missing: Book Club

Our lovely book club went on hiatus during the shutdown. I would like to begin again with the first book being ‘Why Fish Don’t Exist’ by Lulu Miller for August. …

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Seeking A Band!

For this Pumpkin Patch season, we would like to have a band and a food truck one early Saturday. Doo you know a church-appropriate (PG rated but not Contemporary Christian …

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During the middle of the shutdown, I found connection online through fan groups. For example one of fans of my favorite musician (Josh Ritter) and one of my favorite TV …

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July Rector’s Message

God of courageous hellos, God of grace–filled responses: as we emerge from behind these masks and find ourselves in the company of people we hardly know but with whom we …

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​Worship Service Leadership

Ushers, Readers, Check-In Christ is just like the human body—a body is a unit and has many parts; and all the parts of the body are one body, even though …

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