April Notes from Fr. Michael

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

The Easter Season always seems to get overshadowed by the penitential Lent or the hope filled Advent season. Easter though is not one day, but fifty, so longer than the forty days of Lent. You will hear Easter hymns and prayers and keep some unique traditions throughout the season. The big question is how do you practice resurrection? In Lent, we are told to pray, fast, and give to charities, but in Easter we are charged to practice giving life- resurrection. In these times of division, doubt, and violence how do you practice resurrection?

First off, practicing resurrection can seem overwhelming, but we can each do it in small ways with great love. Do we reach out to someone who is lonely or shut in? Then we are practicing resurrection! Do we give of our time, talent, and treasure to something lacking? Then we are practicing resurrection! Do we reach out to someone who is broken in mind, body, or spirit and bring healing? Then we are practicing resurrection! Do we pick up some trash on the road, or plant some flowers? Then we are practicing resurrection!

These simple actions are acts of new life. As followers of the Risen Jesus, we are each called to bring hope and light to broken and dark world. I look forward to hearing how you are practicing resurrection this Easter Season.