Whoever you are, for whatever reason you are wondering about this community and way of faith, we are glad you are here, and we invite you to come and see in-person, or join online.
We encourage you to explore how we carry on meaningful traditions while adapting to this era in life giving ways. We continue, return, proclaim, serve and strive in Christ’s name every day.
Our leadership shows up with their whole hearts! We strive to bring our Christ-centered love to our work, homes, beyond our building, and into our neighborhood.
The way of Jesus is a lifelong friendship of loving-kindness and liberation. We wonder how we can collaborate with you and the Holy Spirit to become compassion, freedom, and mercy for all.
Holy God who calls the world into being, who calls us into Christ’s church; we thank you for the church that is our heart, for the mission of the church that is our joy, and for the ministry of the church that is our task. We thank you for the generosity of Christ Church, Ridley Park, for its steadfastness over time, for its faithful witness, wholehearted life, and its abundant caring ways. Make us courageous, make us ready, make us open, that we may become a resounding Alleluia through your passion and into your victory. We pray in the name of Jesus crucified and risen, wholehearted Shepherd of the Church. Amen.
Donate to Christ Church in support of the life, ministry, and witness of Jesus Christ. Contribute online to a particular collection or make a one-time donation under "non-pledge".
Money is a lifeless substance, but without it, life as we know it isn’t possible. It takes funding to offer worship, fellowship, maintain buildings, care for one another. One of the steadfast ways that we offer gratefulness to God is through a pledge commitment.
Sponsor altar flowers to beautify the sanctuary with creations from God. Altar flowers are often shared "in memory of" or "in honor" of someone special and can be displayed the Sunday around a meaningful date. Information of sponsored flowers will be included in the worship bulletin.
Our Liturgical Year is basically split into two pieces. From Advent to Pentecost (December to June) we focus on the life of Jesus, from his birth to his death, resurrection, ascension, and Pentecost. Sometimes this is called the Incarnational and Paschal Cycles. The second half of the year (June to November) is called the season after Pentecost. Sometime this time is also called Ordinary Time because of its use of numbers to designate each Sunday. Others affectionally call it the “long green season.” It is a long time to wear just one color (do not worry I have a couple shades of green vestments to shake it up). Green is used because represents the life and growth given to use through the Holy Spirit. This half of the year we focus on the teaching of Jesus and how we conform our lives to that teaching.
It is a perfect time for us at Christ Church to refocus our energies on community and the community beyond our doors. We need to look how we serve and connect with others in the neighborhood. This is a job of all members and not just the clergy or staff. We will be focusing on how we can build up bonds of community here at Christ Church. How we can get to know each other better and just enjoy each other’s company? We can also just have fun at Church (shocking!).
We will also be reorganizing and reenergizing our commitment to service to our community. I am not a fan of committees and doing things just because we have also done them. I want us to pray and discern what needs are there in the Ridley Park area and how can we meet them. I would like to see our outreach come from the heart, organically and allow relationships to be built. Churches do little things with great love well. What are those little things we can do well? Who can we partner with in this service?
We have the whole long green season to ask ourselves these questions. Please do share your heart’s insights with myself and others and see where the Spirit is leading Christ Church at this moment.