Episcopal Youth Event

The Episcopal Youth Event is a gathering of youth ages 15-19 (as of July 4, 2023) from around the world who assemble on a college campus to learn, laugh, and worship together. It is the single greatest and second largest event the Episcopal Church does. Since this event is held only once every three years, for many #EYE23 will be their only chance to attend.


The Episcopal Youth Event (with Province 3 day) will take place July 3-8, 2023 at the University of Maryland. This event is open to Episcopal youth in grades 9-12 during the 2022-23 academic year. All participant’s vaccines must be up-to-date and a vaccine record is a part of the application. (Just like if you were registering for summer camp).

To be considered for registration with the diocese delegation, youth must show active interest and participation in church life in some capacity (attend youth group, Sunday worship, Sunday Formation, acolyte, etc).


  • The cost for EYE is $600 per youth.
    • The diocese of Pennsylvania will cover $200
    • Christ Church will cover $200
    • Each Youth household is responsible for $200
  • Province 3 day will take place on July 3rd and will include meals, an outing to D.C., and a t-shirt.
  • Transportation to and from the event is included in the trip
  • DioPA registration details are coming soon and the deadline is March 1

Emma DiPace, Youth Minister in the Diocese of Pennsylvania and trusted college of Mackenzie’s has graciously agreed to be a point person for Christ Church youth attending EYE. Emma is part of the EYE planning team and has accompanied youth during DioPA programs in the past.