Is Rite Questions for You?

Rite Questions is for the curious who likes it here and would like some clarity around why this feels like a home in Jesus. Rite questions is for the long term participant, or new in the last few years communicant, who would like to become formally a part of the Episcopal Church. Can you commune and volunteer and pray and study with us and never ‘become a citizen’? Sure. Can mature study and public commitment (confirmation, etc) be a life giving part of your Christian journey? Absolutely. I would love for every person that has found a home here over the last three years, and anyone who has been around for a while, to join us for this Rite Questions series and deeply consider becoming ‘officially’ Episcopalian. And if you simply think this is interesting and desire to learn more and want to join the lifelong learning adventure: you are welcome too.
This series is called rite because it is shaped to meet the requirements of preparation for mature persons participating in a rite of initiation when Bishop Gutiérrez visits with CCRP this November 20. There are four potential rites for adults. The first would be baptism if you have not been baptized. The second is confirmation if you have not been confirmed by a Bishop. The third is reception if you have been confirmed by a Bishop in another denomination (most likely Roman Catholic or Lutheran or Orthodox). The fourth rite is reaffirmation, when you were confirmed or received by an Anglican bishop and you are moved to celebrate this commitment again. All of these would need to be participated in on site (in person). If there are youth who are genuinely interested in confirmation and have not been through a preparation class please reach out to Mackenzie.
Rite Questions will run from Sept 11 till November 6th and isn’t about having all the answers to our questions about the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion (but it will have some). It is about offering a general survey of information, sharing conversation, and finding our stories within the epic of this way of following Jesus. The preparation for the rites has two parts: study and face to face time. Over the last two and a half years we have opened ourselves to new ways of learning and being together. This Rite Questions series hopes to offer enough flexibility to meet your scheduling and learning needs.
For study there are two options. A participant can choose both or just one. Each week there will be a chapter and a podcast that are paired so you can choose one way or the other. (It isn’t read in order!)
- Book: Your Faith, Your Life (Revised Edition) by Jenifer Gamber and Bill Lewellis
- Podcast: Weekly audio program (less than 40 m) conversation with expert guest
For formation conversation there are two options.
- Weekly Sunday Morning Discussion in Deppich Room (Zoom in option can be available) 9.15am during parish-wide Fall Formation time.
- Once a Month Discussion Dinners at CCRP