Easter Thank You
Christ Church was in full bloom this Easter thanks to a hard working team of volunteers who gave time and talent to every task asked of them. The garden around the Baptismal font was decorated by Nikki Melso, Denise Ternove, Floss Rhine, Nancy Mobley, Jane Benditt and Elizabeth & Roy Rasnake. Special thanks to Sue Dowling for cutting and wrapping foil around all the flower pots. The altar and church windows were decorated by Carol King, Carole McManus, Floss Rhine, Denise Ternove, Jane Benditt and Elizabeth Rasnake. Easter Vigil was lit up due to the creative work of Michelle Mason.
A heartfelt thank you goes to the Hospitality team who gathered together to prepare the Maundy Thursday shared meal. As always, they make preparations look seamless. Thank you to Floss & Ollie Rhine, Marlene & Bill Nickerson, Sue McFaul, Denise Ternove and Elizabeth & Roy Rasnake. We all appreciate your tireless effort!
Lastly, we would like to thank all the volunteers who came together to bring life to our Holy Week services. To our readers, Ushers, Altar Guild, Tech Team, and choir, we thank you for sharing yoru time and gifts.