Music Ministry Mission

Shhh! Quick, hide this article from everyone that lives in your house……. Okay, now that they’re gone, let me ask you a few questions. Is someone in your house a good singer? Like when they’re singing along to the radio, you think to yourself “not bad!” Do they have some experience with reading music? Maybe they were in marching band or took piano lessons when they were younger? They don’t need to be an expert at music reading, just knowing the very basics is fine. Okay, another question. Does this person want or need a way to connect more closely to CCRP? They will have the unique opportunity to be a part of giving back each Sunday in a very beautiful way and they’ll also make some really great friends at the same time.
Okay, if you know someone that fits this profile I need you to rat them out to me. Send me an email or slip me a note on Sunday morning. Your secret is safe with me. I’ll do all the dirty work and invite them to our first choir rehearsal on Thursday, September 8th at 7pm in the choir loft. I’ll make sure they feel extra comfortable about being there and they’ll also come home humming a few new tunes. It’s infectious… in a good way.
Thank you for your help,
Josh Miller (the new music person and one sly fox)
[email protected]