
Parish Submission: Jane Benditt
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12. (NIV)
What does it mean to number our days? Well first, lets look into this scripture passage. The Bible tells us that this particular Psalm was a prayer to God from Moses and he was considered to be a holy man.
Looking at the beginning verses of Psalm 90, he acknowledges that God always was and always will be. He also admits to God‘s power and how he holds our life in his hands and how quickly time passes; how he sees our “secret sins“ and how if we are fortunate, we may live up to 70 or 80 years. Then he goes on to say that because of all this, there is emptiness in life and that we do not understand the consequences of how we live our lives, as we will all answer and stand before a sacred God.
After he reminds us to “number our days“, he cries out to the Lord and asks, “How long will it be before you bless us?” He seeks God to have compassion and return to his people the joy that they once had earlier in their lives. As the years have gone by the people have suffered much affliction.
He’s sums it up by asking God to allow “favor” to rest upon the people that will follow him and that God’s work will be established in all they do.
Upon first reading, I thought this was a depressing passage, but after really desiring its meaning, I’ve come to realize that it is a reminder to Christians how precious time is and how important it is to “live each day.” And that our contribution to “each” day is very significant. Not just the living in the moment attitude, but a serious reminder of our place before the Almighty God.
The Good News Bible translation puts it this way, “Teach us how short our life is, so that we may become wise.”
If we take time to “number our days” as scripture tells us, then we are sure to gain a heart of wisdom.
How then can we do this? One way is by practicing sincere humility. Not an easy task, but if we look to Romans 12:9-21 we may find the answer.
Edited and Revised 3/22/2024
Jane Benditt ©