Vestry Nominations for 2024
We have 3 vacancies coming up on our Vestry: 2 terms (2024-2026), 1 term (2024-2025). The vestry is a space of discernment, formation, and decision-making. It is an important and formative time to be on Vestry as it will run concurrent with Rev. Ruk’s Interim Priest in Charge term and our Rector search. The Vestry will work together to build the future of Christ Church. If you feel strongly about our parish’s life and ministry, this is your time to get involved. Both newer and more long-term active members are encouraged to raise their hands and say: send me.
Curiosity, a desire to serve God’s mission, and regular worship are all crucial to the life of Vestry members. Computer access and a commitment to attend to the bits of business that pop up beyond meetings are also necessary. Vestry meets once a month.