
In baptism we, the church, welcome people into the household of God on earth, and in eternal life. Baptism is a gift and a sacred mystery, however, it is also shaped by promises and expectations. We promise to nurture and care for your child in their Christian formation, and we take that promise seriously. Parents/guardians accept in baptism the responsibility to deepen their own Christian faith by frequent participation in the sacraments and mission of the Church, as well as their own spiritual formation and growth. Sponsors, also known as godparents, make the same promises. We expect that these are taken with steadfast devotion
If you are seeking baptism for yourself or a child, and you are not an active participant here (or elsewhere) we ask that you begin by joining worship, education, giving, and fellowship at least twice a month. We love it when families dive into their mature faith in this way, however, we also want to make that requirement clear. All baptismal preparation for young children requires a series of meetings where we dive into the relationship and meanings and hopes and dreams that come to the font in baptism. Older children will have their own preparation work, as well as that of the parents. Adults seeking baptism are encouraged to join our annual Episcopal Handbook class, or at other times of the year, a series of meetings with the clergy.
There are best dates for baptism (Easter – Spring, Pentecost – nearly summer, Transfiguration – late summer, All Saints – first weekend of November, Baptism of Jesus – mid January), however, we love sharing this sacrament so much we are open to other dates EXCEPT DURING ADVENT (December) AND LENT (5+ weeks before Easter).