Fr. Michael’s Monthly Notes: September 2024

On October 4, the Church remembers the life of St. Francis of Assisi. For many, Francis is the guy in the birdbath or connected with animal blessings. There is so much more to his life than pets and lawn decor. He was born into a wealthy merchant family and for much of his youth he lived a playboy lifestyle of parties and excess. He was a failed knight being captured by a nearby city. One day while praying in a forgotten chapel a crucifix spoke to him to “Rebuild my church which is falling down.” Francis thought this was to rebuild the physical building stone by stone. In actuality, he was called to rebuild the spiritual Church which had lost its way in caring for the poor and those forgotten in the world. Francis gathered some little brothers, or friars minor, and off they went to change the world. We can thank Francis and his followers for enriching so many aspects of the Church: Stations of the Cross, the Nativity scene or creche, concern for the poor and sick, one of the first hymns in the Italian language, called, “All Creatures of our God and King”, care for the environment, pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and even inter-religious dialogue with Islam.
Throughout the month of October Christ Church will be looking at different aspects of St Francis. This simple, poor man changed the world by encouraging Christians to go back to the simple teachings of Jesus and embrace all. I invite everyone this month to these special events and see how Francis can inspire your walk of faith and to “help rebuild the Church.”