Shifting Prayer During the Day

Daily prayer is a tried and true hallmark of the rule of life for earnest Christian practice. Since early in the pandemic we offered almost daily Prayer during the Day on our facebook page and website. It has been an opportunity for becoming the community of the curious and the followers. It has been a chance to connect across the distance and to be shaped by the teachings of wise writers. I do still harbor the hope that we can be a people where the weekday daily office takes incarnate root – by which I mean non-sacramental community prayer becoming a regular part of our life on-site. I still feel like that is a possibility, even if only once a week. However, for now we are shifting the PDD online presence to a once a week offering, so that I can focus on making the time and space for lunches with congregants and colleagues. We will still produce the monthly bulletin, but the broadcast will be reduced, at least for now. If it meant a lot to you and you and another have the interest in seeing it become a regular on-site occasion, lay led, please let us know.