Ridley Park Food Pantry Needs Your Help

The Food Pantry at Ridley Park United Methodist Church is looking for donations. This Food Pantry serves hundreds of individuals in our neighborhood and does an amazing job providing a variety of fresh and shelf-stable food. Let’s help them help others.
If you are able to donate they are looking for: cereal, peanut butter, jelly, tomato sauce, canned fruit, cans of tuna fish, spaghetti, or any box of pasta. Aside from food they could always use laundry detergent, shampoo, cat food, and dog food.

Donations can be dropped off Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am till 1pm. You can also call Beth at (610)521-3051 to arrange another drop off time if needed.

In addition to food donations, the Food Pantry is always in need of volunteers. Volunteering can look like setting up, organizing donations, handing out food, or assisting loading up cars. They are welcoming to new faces and will put you right to work volunteering in a role that suits your abilities for however long you are aviliable.

If you know of anyone who could use assistance in food security, more information about the food pantry can be found here.