August ’22 Rector’s Message

Have you begun a new phase of your walk with Christ in the last three years? Have you been imbedded here for decades but never formally become ‘Episcopalian’? Is God calling you to mark this moment with an outward and visible sign? This is the time for new here and renewed here adults to be prayerfully considering either confirmation, reception, reaffirmation, or if not baptized – baptism. We are delighted that Bishop Daniel G P Gutiérrez will be making a visit to CCRP this November 20th, when he will share with the rites of confirmation (if never confirmed by a bishop), reception (if you have been confirmed by a bishop), and reaffirmation of faith (re-confirmation). There are a handful of young persons who have completed their work for Confirmation, and there are several people who have been through the Episcopal Handbook or Rite Questions classes. I would love to have every person who has renewed or begun their faith journey in this tradition over the last three years (or more) to make the time to prepare for one of those rites. This fall we will be offering a fresh evolution of the Rite Questions series for adult preparation for these rites: an experiment in self-directed learning and hybrid gatherings and fellowship. Stay tuned – and make the space in your life this fall for Rite Questions. To learn more check in with Rev’d Jane.