Life Center

On Wednesday, August 11th, it is once again Christ Church’s turn to provide a meal for the Life Center residents. Please consider signing up with Carole McManus (reach out to the office for her contact information) to let her know what you are able to donate.
Thanks in advance for your anticipated donations,The Outreach Committee
- Youth Group is providing this month’s meal
- 2-3 servers ( Yes, we are allowed to serve in person again if we choose to)
- 2 x 24 packs of Springwater
- 30 bananas or 30 x 4 oz. containers of applesauce, or 30 x 4oz. containers of peaches/fruit cocktail
- 2 batches of brownies 15 each batch (wrapped individually) or 30 packs of cookies
- 30 dinner sized rolls
- 2 volunteers to donate 3 bags of salad each – enough for 30 side salads – no dressing on the salad please
- 1 x 32 ounce bottle of dressing or 2 x 16 ounce bottles
- 50 (or more) sturdy paper plates
- 50 (or more) sturdy plastic forks
- Extra requested non-food supplies – Full or travel-sized shampoo, deodorant, lotion and soap. (No need to sign-up for these donations as they are extra).
If you are dropping any of these off at church, please label “Life Center” and leave any non-perishable food and other donations by the water cooler downstairs. Perishable items can go in the fridge upstairs. Items can be dropped off at Church by Tuesday 8/10 by 2p or at Carole’s house anytime before Weds. 8/11 4p.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!