Good News that Matters

Christ Church is a non-profit charitable entity. That may be something you already know, or it may be something you have not thought much about. It isn’t bankrolled by anyone but you and the generations that came before you. Each day we are undergirded and supported by the commitment of our friends and members and neighbors as we share the holy stories and help people of all ages connect to a daily faith journey.
Christ Church asks all who are fed by this mission and ministry to support this work that makes such a difference in your life. Your giving supports – ancient worship that evolves, attentive formation and education, and offers space, inside, outside, and online, to grow our connection to God and neighbors and the world. It’s Good News that matters.
Making a commitment of $5, $10, $20 per month or more… is an act of prayer, and a commitment to be what it takes to live into the days to come on hope. When you hear or see something through which the love of God shines through, you’ll know that YOU made it possible. Thank you!