​More than Enough: A Mad Lib’s Style Note from the Rector

One of the delights of our Pumpkin Patch is spending a month telling people about how ________(adj) Christ Church is. I ____________ (adv) tell them that it is a really _________ (adj) congregation, with people who are ___________ (adj) and people who are ___________ (adj). Together we work together to share in God’s mission here through ___________ (activity) and __________ (activity). We are not the largest congregation, but we trust that we have more than enough _________ and ____________ .

We are known for being a witness to generosity and kindness, and it takes ____________ (adj) of people to volunteer and collaborate. It also requires the ____________ (adj) financial commitment of more than just ______ (small number) households, or the gifts of past ___________ (plural noun). Without the sharing of wisdom, ________ (verb) and wealth Christ Church couldn’t possibly ______________ (v) such ___________ (adj) ministries. And that is why this year I am going to commit not just my heart, but time, and finances. As part of this promise to God and the mission of Christ Church, I also would be ____________ (feeling) to become involved in _____________ (a ministry area) (or help begin _______________). I ______________ (adv) look forward to being a wholehearted part of this _______________ (adj) congregation in 2023.

Our annual focus on stewardship begins again this month. Our stewardship is a constant mission of prayer and witness that responds to God’s call. Please take a look at Reverend Jane’s stewardship letter and the pledge campaign prayer and reflection resource. We hope you will take the time to listen and pray through the More than Enough invitation before the pledge forms arrive in a few weeks. Our ingathering Sunday is November 27th, when we will celebrate that there is always more than enough to bless us with the resources we share to continue to transform lives in Jesus’ name.