What to Expect

How long are the services?

8 AM Eucharist is a simple service that is less than an hour. The 10 AM Eucharist with music is approximately an hour.

What are the services like?

If you have seen worship in a television show or movie set in England (or a Royal Wedding) or any service on the West Wing, then you have a glimpse (those are much fancier than we manage to share). It also looks, on the outside, fairly similar to the worship practice of a Lutheran (ELCA), or Roman Catholic church. Our clergy and lay leadership wear dedicated garments with fancy names, we use plenty of candles and carry crosses, walk-in processions, and change the colors seasonally. We follow a regular pattern of worship prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer. There are prayers, Bible readings, a sermon, hymns, and a creed, and unless otherwise stated, communion. We stand, sit, and kneel (on nice kneelers) as we are able. Some of us bow and cross ourselves. Think of it as Episcopal Yoga! Our knowledge of deepest meaning is learned through our postures as well as our minds.

What should I wear?

You will find a variety of dress on any given Sunday from casual (jeans, t-shirts, etc.) to dresses and suits. Wear what makes you feel ready for worship and not uncomfortable. However, clothing and footwear are expected for everyone but the babies!

Where should I sit?

There are no assigned seats, any open pew or chair is available on the main floor of the worship space. If you would like assistance with getting seated an Usher can certainly guide you.

Can children & babies participate in service?

Yes! And we encourage it! We welcome you and your family, whatever shape that comes in, to come and grow with us. All people of all ages are invited to be present for worship with the entire congregation: no matter how wiggly or noisy you are.

All baptized children are welcome to God’s table for Holy Communion. We encourage this from the earliest age, as it is a mystery and a grace!

All ages who desire connection but not to receive Eucharist, may come forward for a blessing, signaled by crossing arms over your chest.

Who may receive Communion?

All Christians are welcome to Christ’s table.

What should I bring?

Just yourself! Scripture readings, responses, and the service structure will be provided to you in a bulletin. If you would like to give to Christ Church you may bring an offering or use our online giving options.

A Note from Christ Church

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything …

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