September Notes: The Reverend Michael Ruk

In many ways, September has always felt more of a new beginning to me than the first of January. The season was time for new classes, new clothes, new shoes, and fresh starts. September in the Church is similar. After a long summer where many folks go away, September is a time to regather, refocus, and reimagine what comes next. Here at Christ Church our summer was definitely not slow or relaxing! It has been a time of doing repairs, cleaning our building, reconnecting with the community, and planning for the future.
As we move into the program year, I look forward to it being one where we can reconnect to our Faith and our community. Let this be a time to deepen your prayer life more. Can you commit to coming to the Eucharist faithfully each week? Could you attend a Wednesday evening Eucharist or pray the Daily Office? Could you participate in Adult Forum on Sundays, or give more of yourself in service to others? As a church community, we need to also recommit ourselves to connecting to our neighbors here in Ridley Park. Who are they and what are their needs? Does the community know Christ Church and what we believe? How can we better bridge the church and the world?
This fall, I invite you to ask yourself, “how do we go deeper in our Faith and our service to others at Christ Church?” How do we take time to recommit ourselves to our spiritual life? In his Rule St. Benedict states, “Always we begin again.” So, as we begin again this fall, I pray that you will have a good beginning full of hope and excitement.