Shadows: A Tenebrae Adaptation

Rite Questions Podcast
Rite Questions Podcast
Shadows: A Tenebrae Adaptation



The name Tenebrae means shadows. This Holy Week liturgy dives into the brokenness of our world, the brokenness that is taken up on the cross. This is a contemplative service, and it includes readings from the Hebrew Prophets, Psalms, and secular readings. A gathering to pray this would have candles extinguished with each set of 7 readings. If you may wish to do that; or gather stones to drop in a bowl; or write a virtue on a piece of paper and rip it with each shadow. Or if out in the world you may want to choose a motion, perhaps making a cross on your palm, to mark them. The bulletin for this is on our website (

Source texts include the Book of Occasional Services, Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals, NRSV translation of the Bible, and the BCP translation of the Psalms.

Secular readings include A Wrinkle in Time, East of Eden, Just Mercy, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Tale of Desperaux, and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

Thank you to our voices – to Sharon, Archie, & Alex. Thanks to Tom who made last minute edits.