The Anglican Communion

The Anglican Communion is the gathering of Anglican and Episcopal churches from around the world. Today, the Anglican Communion comprises more than 80 million members in 44 regional and national member churches in more than 160 countries. The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion and is comprised of 109 dioceses in 16 nations.
At the head of the Anglican Communion is the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. The Episcopal Church, established shortly after the American Revolution, has its roots in the Anglican Church. The Anglican Church, known as the Church of England, had a strong presence in colonial America. But when the colonies won their independence, the majority of America’s Anglican clergy refused to swear allegiance to the British monarch as was required. As a result, the Episcopal Church was formed, right here in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. The Anglican Church is both protestant and catholic, prioritizes praying together across differences, and celebrating worship in the language of the people.
The vibrancy of the Anglican Communion reflects the lives of its congregants and their commitment to God’s mission in the world.