What We Believe

We trust that God loves you and all creation – no exceptions.
We know that following Jesus brings both connection and transformation.
We encounter the Holy Spirit who is both demanding and renewing.
The Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania is a worldwide and diverse Christian heritage that finds balance through the interplay of Scripture, traditions, and new learning.
We strive together to grow in faithfulness to God’s way of love in this time and place.
- We believe that practicing the classic patterns and welcoming fresh forms nurtures our relationship with all people and God in Christ.
- We are a creedal congregation and share in reciting The Creeds during our worship together.
- We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world and calls us to love deeply and compels us toward relationships of justice, mercy, and compassion with all.
- We know that faith is a journey and that believing in community together allows us understanding of Christ’s love to evolve, widen, and expand.
The Anglican Communion
The Anglican Communion is the gathering of Anglican and Episcopal churches from around the world. Today, the Anglican Communion comprises more than 80 million members in 44 regional and national …
The Episcopal Church
Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, we …