Session 6: What do you mean there is more than ‘getting the baby done’?

Topic: Baptism & Eucharist
Podcast Episode 5 or Chapter 2, Beginnings (pg. 18) and Chapter 9, Sacraments (pg. 189)
Guest: Father Allen Wakabayashi is originally from Chicago and now serves as Episcopal Chaplain at Princeton University. In his spare time, as weather permits, Fr. Allen loves to head out on his kayak to go bass fishing.
In this episode we focus on the top two sacraments – Baptism and Eucharist.
- Sacramental focus is an ancient practice that has continued to be ‘effective’ across time and place
- Something really happens in the sacramental life, whether or not we can explain it or understand it
- We are always incomplete practitioners of the sacraments – we cannot fill their meaning by our ideas or actions – it is always cooperative with faith and God’s presence
- Regular reception of the Eucharist has real and tangible life value, even when it isn’t always fireworks.