Advent Healing Eucharist

The Christmas Season is emotionally challenging for many. The Hallmark Christmas is not the reality for most people. In recent years, a special service happens near the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year, to remind us we all need healing. This year Christ Church will be hosting other local churches in a special …

Bambino Sunday

Bambino, or Baby Sunday, is an Italian tradition of bringing your Baby Jesus image to Church for a blessing. They will be placed upon the Altar to connect your image at home to the Eucharist. The word Bethlehem means House of Bread.

Event Series Children’s Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School

You're invited! Interactive, storytelling, Sunday School for children (pre-k to fifth grade) is available to families on Sundays. Children meet in the Whaley Room at 10 AM. This is the same time as our second Eucharist service, which caregivers are encouraged to attend. Children will rejoin their caregivers at communion when they are brought to …

Christmas Eve with Children’s Pageant

A time for the whole family with hymns and the joy of the Children’s pageant. Come sing the familiar songs and hear the ancient story.

Christmas Eve with String Music

The evening Eucharist will have musical accompaniment from string instruments. Meditate in the dimmed nave and sing along to the sacred classics. Share the light of Christmas as we illuminate each others candles during the hymn Silent Night.

Christmas Day Eucharist

A spoken service giving thanks through the ultimate thanksgiving, the Eucharist. This will be a quiet and simple time of prayer.